Pastors Alain and Evelyne met and married in Cape Town, South Africa. Pastor Evelyne was born in Mulhouse (Alsace, France) in a Protestant Christian family. Pasteur Alain was born in Brazzaville, Congo (Brazzaville) in a Protestant Salvationist family.
The Royal Anointing and the Priest's Anointing flow inexorably in the life of Pasteur Alain, a man of God with a grace in the development of business in the field of petroleum and mines, all for the glory of God and advancement of His Kingdom. Pasteur Alain holds a Masters in Earth Sciences (University of Brazzaville) and a Masters in Mining Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. After a distinguished career of over 20 years in the oil and gas exploration and production industry as a petroleum geologist, he successfully became the visionary, founder and entrepreneur behind several companies in petroleum. , natural gas and mines, all born of the faith and favor of God, and guided in prayer.
Pastor Alain also obtained a Diploma in Christian Hebrew Studies, from the Richard Booker's Institute for Hebrew Christian Studies, Woodlands, Texas in 2013. While being a truly blessed business leader, God's call and faith have always been at the center of Pasteur Alain's life, as established by the many testimonies, exhortations and prophecies he received. His faith was born from his childhood education at the Salvation Army Bible School, and from his experience of the new birth and baptism by immersion in Brazzaville, Congo in 1992. He thus always continued his walk with the Lord in good times as well as in bad. Pastor Alain is a true worshiper, who is mainly a teacher of the Word of God who is bathed in the prophetic anointing. He is a ceaseless student, seeker and teacher of the Word of God without compromise, relating to the believer's walk of faith, total biblical prosperity, the transformation of the believer, signs, wonders and miracles. He Strengthened the Church regarding the return of Christians to the foundations of the faith as well as the Blood Covenant and the Hebrew Roots of Christendom. Through his knowledge of the Word of God anchored in the Bible and the revelation of the Holy Spirit, he teaches the Word with clarity and simplicity, making it easier for his audience to understand some of the most complex Bible verses in Canada as well as abroad. Lives have thus been touched and changed from the inside out.
Pastor Evelyne is a woman of prayer whose life is voluntarily devoted to seeking the face of God, His Glory and the renewal of His people, this is the best description of the life of Pastor Evelyne. While being a fervent supporter of her husband, she spends countless hours in the wine press working for revival, renewal and the tangible presence of God in Canada and around the world. From her native region in Alsace (France), through her life in Cape-Town (South Africa) to her current base in Montreal (Canada), Evelyne has always been an infallible warrior in spiritual warfare and an intercessor, bathing in the presence of God to see His Will manifested for the good of others and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Pastor Evelyne is a graduate of the Maranatha Bible School, Cape Town, South Africa, she has taught in several meetings and assemblies of women. She exhorts and strengthens in spiritual warfare, spiritual deliverance, to draw closer to the Heart of the Father, with a prophetic and healing anointing. She has a poor ministry and a heart for missions after visiting orphanages in some of the most remote corners of Africa including Malawi. It will be at the center of the strategies of our Mission Center.